11 Things to Make on a Wood Lathe

Things to Make on a Wood Lathe

You’re likely wondering, “What cool projects can I tackle with this tool?” I get it. I’ve been there, mesmerized by that spinning chunk of wood, filled with endless ideas.

Don’t worry; a wood lathe opens up a world of creative potential. But even the best of us need a nudge of inspiration sometimes.

In today’s post, we’re exploring captivating, enjoyable, and even useful projects for your wood lathe.


Now that we’ve set the stage let’s deliver right into the meat of the matter. The beauty of wood lathing is its versatility you’re not confined to making any one thing. The possibilities are almost endless, but we’ll focus here on accessible yet thrilling projects.


Bowls are the bread and butter of wood lathing no pun intended. Creating a wooden bowl allows you to experiment with various wood types and finishes. Plus, let’s be honest: there’s something deeply satisfying about eating cereal out of a bowl you made yourself.

The steps generally include selecting a piece of wood, roughing it out, hollowing, and applying a finish. When done, not only do you get a functional kitchen item, but you also get a tangible sense of accomplishment.


Who knew a wood lathe could venture into the realm of fashion? But here we are making bracelets. Wooden bracelets offer a unique, rustic charm bound to draw attention.

Plus, they make for excellent gifts. Get creative with different types of wood or even combine materials. You can jazz it up with a high-gloss finish or keep it matte for a natural look.


Ah, the humble spoon. These little wonders are practical and can be turned into works of art with a bit of imagination.

Crafting spoons on a wood lathe allows you to explore intricate designs on the handle or bowl. And honestly, stirring your morning coffee with a spoon you prepared has its charm.


For the bakers among us, a custom-made rolling pin could be your new best friend. Not only will it serve its purpose, but it will also stand out in your kitchen like a piece of art. It’s an excellent conversation starter when you’re hosting a dinner party.


Making a wooden vase allows you to stretch your creative wings further. You can play around with various shapes, designs, and finishes. And the end product? A centerpiece that grabs attention.


Custom drawer pulls are an easy win. This project suits both beginners and seasoned crafters. Drawer pulls are small, so they’re fast to make and deliver a big style impact.


What sets the mood better than a candle? A candle sitting in a holder you’ve turned yourself. These make fantastic gifts, especially for housewarming parties or holidays. Design options are endless: go simple, get ornate, or play with multi-tiered designs.


Is it taking on a more significant project? How about customizing chairs or table legs? This can turn a regular piece of furniture into a statement piece. Plus, it offers a rewarding challenge for those looking to expand their learning skills.


Now, this is for those who love intricacies and have more experience. Crafting individual chess pieces can be time-consuming but oh-so rewarding. And think of the bragging rights!


Try making salt and pepper shakers. They’re not just practical; they’re also a charming addition to any table. These little gems make perfect gifts. So, why not give your dining area that finishing touch it deserves?


These protect your countertops and table from hot pots and pans. They’re also an excellent beginner project because they offer room for error while producing a helpful item.


Well, there you have it some of the most exciting things you can make on a wood lathe. The beauty of wood lathing is how it caters to all skill levels.

Whether you’re dipping your toes into woodworking or are a seasoned veteran, there’s a project here. I hope this list sparked your imagination and got your creative wheels turning.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Can You Make With A Wood Lathe?

The sky’s the limit! From practical kitchen items like bowls and spoons to decorative pieces like vases and candle holders, a wood lathe allows you to turn simple blocks of wood into functional art.

What Is The Best Wood To Turn On A Lathe?

Softwoods like pine and fir are great for beginners due to their ease of cutting. Hardwoods like oak, cherry, or maple are excellent for more experienced woodworkers looking for a challenge and a durable end product.

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